Who Are You To Tell Me How To Feel?

If I had a dollar every time someone told me to (or not) feel a certain way, I would have enough money to pay for the car I want to buy in full. Don’t feel this way because it’s not worth it. Don’t cry about that boy because he is not worth it. It’s beenContinue reading “Who Are You To Tell Me How To Feel?”

A Letter to The New President

Dear President Trump, Three days ago, you’ve inherited a country that is divided. Two days ago, millions of women all over the world marched to make their voices heard. Throughout your campaign, you have made several derogatory comments about women, African Americans, Latinos, LGBTQIAA and countless others. You have threatened, you have Tweeted and youContinue reading “A Letter to The New President”

A Thank You Letter To My Therapist

A few weeks ago, I left my therapist’s office for the last time. Leaving my therapist’s office, I had realized how everything had come full circle since I had first attended therapy about ten months ago. It is safe to say that my 2016 was spent in a therapist’s office. I started going to therapyContinue reading “A Thank You Letter To My Therapist”

Sorry (So) Not Sorry For Double Posting

Every now and then on Instagram, I would see people posting a few times a day, for whatever reason. These people would then caption the photos with ‘sorry for double posting…’ My question is why? I am going to admit it. I am in fact guilty of double posting on more than one occasion. IContinue reading “Sorry (So) Not Sorry For Double Posting”

Honest Thoughts About Dating

Let me be bluntly honest by stating that I freaking hate dating. I hate the awkwardness of first dates, the whole DTR (defining the relationship) concept and the rules about what is okay to do at what given stage. I find it both crazy and confusing, and I graduated college with a 3.0 GPA, so I amContinue reading “Honest Thoughts About Dating”