What I Love Wednesday: February 12th

Happy Hump Day every one! Today is especially awesome, because I have the day off for Lincoln’s birthday. That said, let’s continue these positive notes by telling you what I’m loving this week:

  • YA Fantasy Books: 

I go through phases on what I want to read. Some days, I want to read romances. Others, I want to read non-fictions. Nowadays, I have been reading a lot of YA Fantasy. I went overboard at the bookstore and purchased quite a bit of them for me to read. I am currently listening to A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Bridget Kemmerer, and I am reading The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. I am loving them, and I have so many series that I have yet to read.

  • The Descendants series: 

I watched the first one last week, and I became instantly obsessed with it. I’ve been watching a lot of Disney movies this past week, and this one was my favorite because it has a twist to the movies that I love. Maybe this is what sparked my love for fantasy novels?

  • Air Fryer: 

I purchased an air fryer from Kohl’s a few weeks ago. And, I love it. I’ve used it to reheat some frozen foods, and just started to venture out to try things like fries and French Toast. I’m just learning how to cook, so I am hoping to expand my horizons soon.

  • Passion Iced Tea: 

I am addicted to Starbucks Passion Iced Tea. However, the price is a bit too much for me to enjoy every day. While at Target, I discovered six packets of tea for $3.29. And, these can make pitchers. Yeah, you heard me. Pitchers. So, for less then the price of one tea from Starbucks, I am going to make 12.

Not a bad deal.

12 thoughts on “What I Love Wednesday: February 12th

  1. I love the fact that people still do read paper books. I’m a bookworm myself and I love a good fantasy story. Recently I’ve read some Polish classics of sci-fi. But now I’m just focusing on children’s psychology as it is related to my niche as a blogger.


  2. An air fryer was one of those things that I thought we’d never use but when we got it for our wedding, it’s used at laest 2x a week!


  3. I love to mix that passion tea with lemonade! I make it hot with the bad, 1 cup of water in a 12 oz glass. Let it steep for a decent amount of time, top off with raspberry lemonade, the Simply kind and ice and its SO refreshing!


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